Friday 26 February 2021

My Treaty of Waitangi writing 1


I can see a Maori man signing a contract about the Treaty of Waitangi and British men are watching him. I can also see a British woman wearing an extravagant dress with a matching hat. I notice British flags on the table and there also hanging on the walls. All the British people are standing but all the Maori people are sitting down.I also notice the Maori people are wearing their traditional clothing. 


  1. Kia Ora Balqees,
    I notice that there is a man with blue lips.
    & I see some blue & white flag's.
    BLOG YA LATER By Deziyah.

  2. Hi my name is Kaito from Room 7. I really like your blog post because it has a description about it(A few people just put a title and picture about it). I wonder if the Māori people are cold or a little chilly in their clothes compared to the British and other countries that have proper clothes. Here is a question for you: Do you think this picture is real(painted there) or made up to match what it might of looked like?
    Don't forget to check out my blog Here is a link to it:(Click Me)

  3. Thank you Deziyhah and Kaito for commenting on my blog I hope you two can have an amazing day /night/ afternoon.Blog ya later.

  4. Hi balqees Aneesa here💁 only a little posts but great job Aneesa blog ya later

  5. HI Balpees phoenix here😃.my class did that when mr moore was here and it was the fun thing our class did
    blog you later.
